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Why Invest In Consumer Businesses

We all have Needs and Wants

Consumers vote with their wallets each day.


Driven by basic desires and wide availability, products and brands can have an emotional connection with people.


The connection Consumers feel to a brand and product can lead to consistent and reliable demand. In some cases this results in a lifetime, or even transgenerational pattern of repeat purchases.


You may find these products in your fridge, wardrobe or handbag.


Several of these businesses have been selling products for over a century.


Why We Invest in Consumer Businesses

​High quality Consumer businesses have fundamental characteristics and structural tailwinds which have led to a history of outsized returns.


Our Founder has been investing in selective Consumer businesses for 30+ years and has identified attributes, including:


1) Moats that are difficult to replicate: brand power, scale and advantaged process such as preferred and secured locations, supply chains or industry expertise.


2) Businesses that are either leaders in fast growing emerging industries, or are dominant in mature markets that may face modest competition, and may earn oligopolistic profits, supported by innovation and R&D.


3) High quality consumer businesses have a track record of delivering resilient revenue growth and/or elevated profit margins. This provides a foundation for  compounding of cashflows over the long-term, supporting shareholder returns.


The returns of high-quality Consumer businesses have exceeded US, UK and Australian residential real estate, as well as the S&P 500


We call this Consumer Alpha. 



Invest in a high conviction, concentrated portfolio of consumer champions. 

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‡ This Representative sample (i) has not been selected based on size or performance (i.e. not top 10 holdings) (ii) Selected by Infusive to be a representative sample of industries and geographies currently in the portfolio (iii) reflects positions currently in the fund (iv) is subject to change. â€‹

Gyde Equities Limited is a company registered in Guernsey with company number 71647, having its registered office at 55 Mount Row, St Peter Port, GY1 1NU, Guernsey.

Infusive Asset Management Limited is a company incorporated in England with registered number 09044563 with its registered office at Botanic House, 100 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PH, UK.

Infusive Asset Management Inc. is a company incorporated in Delaware, United States of America (No. 5316954). Infusive Asset Management Inc. is registered with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission. Infusive Asset Management Pty Limited (ABN 93637605022) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1282095) of Sanlam Private Wealth (AFS License No. 337927), in Australia and trades under the name, Infusive.

Infusive Asset Management Pty Limited, Infusive Asset Management Limited and Infusive Asset Management Inc. are subsidiaries of Gyde Equities Limited.

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